Wednesday, April 16, 2014

a little about me

Hi, I am Ella.

I am 9 years old and in 4th grade. I am number four of seven kids and  I home school.I have three older siblings and three younger siblings. I'm right in the middle.

I have arthritis in both my knees.

My mom has a blog to its called Shoved to Them. I think its a weird name, but that's coming from a kid with a blog called Doodle.

I started drawing Disney people a couple weeks back, and I just started drawing horses and dragons a few days ago. My older sister taught me how to draw a couple of things, and my mom taught me how to write and helped set up my blog. I cant wait to post other things on my blog.

Thanks for coming to Doodle!


  1. Your drawings are beautiful! As are you! Praying for you during this holiest of weeks.

  2. You are really good Ella! I love Olaf! The Cleary's are praying for you this Holy Week!

  3. Hi Ella. I am very pleased to meet you. My name's Maureen and I have rheumatoid arthritis too, so I know how you feel. You are a fantastic artist; I just love the drawings! I went to a Catholic grade school that didn't have art and music, so I'm not very talented at either. I teach Chemistry (that's a science) at a college. Right now I am having trouble walking too because I broke a bone in my leg.

  4. Hi Ella! I am FB friends with your Mom and love reading her blog. I'm so glad to see yours. Your art work is amazing! I showed the Anna and Olaf pics to my 7 year old daughter and she said they were awesome! We are praying for you! Keep posting!

  5. Hi Ella. My name is Terry. I've been reading your Mom's blog for a while now and am so glad she introduced us to your blog. Your drawings make me smile.

  6. Hi Ella. I know this says Allison at the top, but it's my mum's email. You are so awesome at drawing! I have a blog that I put my drawings on sometimes too; but it's locked so only certain people can read it. Our moms are FB friends, so if you want to give me your mom's email I can put in on the list so you can read it! I am the third in my family, you are the fourth, and we both have seven siblings! I'm homeschooled too. Oh and I LOVE the daily puppy! I should put that on my blog now!
